Premium Economy

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Qantas Premium Economy Added to Lufthansa RTW

The Lufthansa premium economy round the world airfare is our most popular premium economy deal delivering unbelievable value over a huge variety of 3 continent routing options. The fares continue to develop with Lufthansa now contracting with Qantas across the Atlantic ...
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Lufthansa Premium Economy Review

Recently my partner and I had the pleasure of travelling from Frankfurt, Germany to Hong Kong on a Lufthansa 747-800 aircraft fitted out with new Lufthansa Premium Economy seats. Being a new service for Lufthansa there was a slight anticipation ...
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New Singapore Airlines Premium Economy

Singapore Airlines have just announced the release of their new premium economy product. This is extremely good news for Velocity frequent flyers offering more affordable options to travel in comfort without shelling out full business class rates. The seats look ...
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